DELTAwater exports Australian water technology to US & China - Delta Water

DELTAwater exports Australian water technology to US & China

Posted on July 13, 2023

This month Australian manufacturing company DELTAwater solutions has shipped a customised water treatment unit to Texas, 25 years after cotton irrigators in the region first started using the technology. The family-owned company has also shipped several units to mine sites in China who have been using the Australian technology for the past decade.

Express Irrigation Services in Wellington, Texas are using their DELTAwater conditioner to treat high salinity levels in well (bore) water at a cotton plantation. DELTAwater solutions has been treating well water in Texas for 25 years.

Express Irrigation Services discovered DELTAwater from neighbouring cotton irrigators after unsuccessfully trying several other water treatment products. The DELTAwater conditioner will increase germination and yields and improve soil health at the plantation.

“We have a fantastic success rate in Texas treating their well water which has extremely high salinity levels,” said Alex and Dianne Panov, who founded DELTAwater solutions 30 years ago.

“Our first unit was installed in Texas 25 years ago and we’ve got a well-established customer base over there.

“With Express Irrigation Services being able to see the success of the DELTA at other plantations, they were pleased to discover we could customise a unit specifically for their water.”

Underground mine water treatment

The company also has a growing export market in China, who are using their water treatment conditioners to keep underground mines pipes, pumps and processors clear of calcium scale build-up. These units are custom designed to work underground.

“Even though we have been doing this for 30 years, it is always a really exciting occasion for us when we ship our products overseas,” they said. “We still remember sending our first unit to Saudi Arabia soon after we started. We also have DELTAs in countries including South Africa, Egypt, Vanuatu, Bali, Fiji, New Guinea, Tunisia, Canada, India, New Zealand and Italy.”

The DELTAwater water treatment system overcomes problems caused by salinity, iron, algae and calcium-scale in bore, river, dam and town water supplies. DELTAwater conditioners are power, maintenance and chemical free and treat unlimited volumes of water.